Sep '16

A Prayer To Forgive Yourself!
Sep '16

Dear Lord. Today I choose to forgive myself. I believe the work of the Cross was enough, and through Your blood, I have the power to be forgiven and to forgive.
I let go of guilt, shame, anxiety and torment knowing that You are no longer counting my sins against me, and neither will I.
Lord, You have set me free from my past and made me a new creation. I will no longer walk in condemnation or live a life of misery, because I forgive myself.
I choose to walk in Your truth that says, “He who the Son sets free is free indeed!
I have been struggling with shame, anxiety and failure and the enemy had been tormenting me so badly that I literally made myself sick because of it but The Lord brought me to this prayer and it changed the way I seen those things that the enemy was using to consume my mind with. I am a good mother, wife and friend and even on days when I’m not in my opinion top notch, God has set me free and I have so much to rejoice over in knowing that I am loved and forgiven by a God who sacrificed His son to set me free, free from shame, anxiety and even failure. I choose today to put God first and to admit, I don’t always have it figured out and that’s okay but I know a God who does and He sees me for who I truly am and He loves me, I choose to forgive myself as Christ has forgiven me. I am surrounded by so many blessings in my life, I am going to open my eyes to those blessings today and rejoice because I am loved by the Creator Himself.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Scripture is Isaiah 43:25-26, 1 John 1:9, John 8:36, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 1:7