May '18

Do You Need a Restored Soul?
May '18

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3)
Many of us have read Psalm 23 so often that we can recite the verses, but the blessing comes in really meditating over them. If we are not careful as Christians, we will read such verses and miss what the Spirit is saying to us. Today, verse three jumps out the most to me. “He restoreth my soul” is the key phrase upon which I am meditating. What does “He restores my soul” really mean to me today?
Only the Lord can truly restore our soul. Our soul is that part of us that houses our emotions, our will, and the internal makeup of who we are. Our soul tends to wander off down selfish paths seeking to fulfill self-driven desires. We all struggle with this. The farther we wander, the more distant we get from God. Much of our wandering is subtle and hidden, even from our own senses; and this fact makes these wanderings often the most dangerous to us. But God knows all about us and He always wants us back. He knows that by restoring us back to Him we will be willing to be led down His path of righteousness. His paths of righteousness, not our own paths, bring us peace.
Ask the Lord today to reveal any areas of your heart that need restoration. Do you feel dull or numb in certain areas of your life? Tell the Lord about those places in your heart where you sense a lifelessness and ask Him to restore them back to Him. Restoration is not always just about life’s obvious issues; it can be very much about life’s less recognized ones. Take your time to really read Psalm 23 and listen to the Lord’s impressions on your heart. The Word of God is the most powerful Word you will read or hear today.
Have a beautiful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is John 3:18