Giving the Gift of Prayer

One of the best ways to love others is to pray for them. Jesus is our ultimate example in this. The New Testament tells us about Jesus praying for others on many occasions, and even shows us that He continues to come to the Father on our behalf. Romans 8:34 says that He “is at the right hand of God, making intercession for us.” Even after showing such selfless love at the cross, the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ continues to express His care for us by praying for us at this very moment.
All around us are people who need us to follow Jesus’s example and love them with our prayers, inviting God’s help and intervention in their lives. We can ask God to help us pray for them, and He will! May our loving Lord strengthen us to generously give the gift of our prayers for others today.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for praying for me. Help me to serve You and others through faithfully praying today. Amen.
When I read this devotion I couldn’t help but think, what an incredible God we serve. He sent His son so long ago to die for us and no, It didn’t just stop there. Jesus’ love for us continues even to this day, what an example, Jesus is continuing to make intercession for you and I, He loves us so much that it didn’t stop at the cross, what love. Even when we may not deserve it, He’s making intercession for you and I. Go today, make prayer a priority and pray for someone today, we all know someone who needs our prayers. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools and the enemy knows if he can quench your prayers he can quench you. Prayer is a gift to be shared, share it with someone today. Time spent in prayer is never wasted.
Have a beautiful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Romans 8:28-34