Sep '21

He is Everywhere
Sep '21

And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. (Genesis 28:16)
He is everywhere at every time.
Even when you do not sense His nearness with your natural abilities, He is present with you in every moment.
But how do we become more aware of His presence? The answer to this is by spending more time with Him and basking in His light.
It is easy to be succumbed to the restlessness of the world.
The enemy fights us relentlessly when it comes to spending time with our beloved.
The devil knows what will happen if we bask in the Lord’s presence consistently.
Chains are broken off, healing takes place, and revelations are received!
In addition to this, we are transformed and become more like Jesus. The more we bask and soak in the light of the Lord’s presence, the brighter our light becomes for His kingdom.
Because the Lord is present in every moment, He holds your every moment.
This truth helps us to increase our trust in Him because we know we never face any moment alone. Even as you are reading these words, He is present with you.
Your holy Helper and constant Companion, the Holy Spirit, is always with you!
Take time to rest with Him today. Give yourself permission to lay aside every task waiting to be done.
When you spend time with your beloved, do not let time restraints make you rush through your communion with Him. Pause, be still, and allow yourself to bask in His radiance. When you do this consistently, transformation takes place, your awareness of His presence is enhanced, and your spiritual ears become more sensitive to His voice.
Even in times where you feel like it’s difficult to sense His presence and He seems far away… just whisper to yourself the words of Jacob: “Surely the Lord is in this place.”
“Lord, thank you that you are always present everywhere, in every moment. You hold my world in your hands. As I take time to rest with you, help me to be more aware of your presence, for surely you are here with me. Amen.”
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!