Jun '20

I Am Who God Says I Am
Jun '20

For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle . . . (1 Corinthians 15:9)
Thank goodness God isn’t limited by how we see ourselves!
Paul had ravaged Christians, but God saw the forerunner in Him, the Apostle and Superintendent of all the early churches.
Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and said, “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? (1 Chronicles 17:16)
King David was sent to the fields while his brothers went to war.
In David’s family he was an unimportant shepherd.
But, in the family of Christ, David was a King – related to the King of Kings.
Let me remember God sees what I am here to do and has given me all I need to do it. I am not how others see me and I am not how I see myself. I am who God says I am!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
When I read this devotion it made me stop and think who does God say I am. Here are just a few to remind you and I. I am the apple of God’s eye. I am loved by God, cherished by God, and highly valued by God. I am a child of The King. I am redeemed, forgiven and sanctified. I am a friend of God. I am because He is.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!