Aug '19

Step Away and Pray
Aug '19

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. (Romans 16:17)
Have you ever had a friend or acquaintance who you thought was going the wrong direction with their beliefs? Maybe these beliefs seemed like they were somewhat Biblical, but with a little bit of study you knew that they were wrong.These false teaching or beliefs can cause divisions in your relationship with them. All you seem to do is argue with them about what the Bible really says and how they are wrong. This can happen in the church as well when it comes to false teachings.
What are you supposed to do then when you encounter false teachings or ideas that cause division? Paul tells the Romans to avoid them. Paul is not telling the church to accept just any doctrine, but that at times it is better to avoid those people all together than argue with them. When we start to argue with them, the worst in us can come out and it does not help our point. Many times we need to just step back, pray for them, and let the Holy Spirit deal with there heart when it comes to conviction and repentance.
When I read this devotion it blessed me. No one person is perfect and we have all struggled with this very thing from time to time in different ways. I felt this devotion gave wise instruction, just step back, pray for them and allow the Holy Spirit to work in them. We can’t always avoid those in our lives we may struggle with but we can take a step back, pray for them and love them through it. When you do this you will see The Holy Spirit turn frustration, even anger, into peace. Don’t gossip about the situation to others or post about it on social media, turn it over to The Lord and allow The Holy Spirit to convict. Who have you been arguing with that you need to step away from and pray for?
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Isaiah 26:3