The Fondness of Fellowship

So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
There’s a very good reason we refer to other Christians as brothers and sisters. The kinship we experience with our fellow heirs in Christ is more deeply rooted than any physical bloodline or familial tie.
When God saves an individual, He literally exchanges their dead “heart of stone” for a living “heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19). With this exchange comes transformation! Our greatest desires begin to conform to God’s desires, and ultimately, we want God’s will more than anything else. This change occurs at the core of who we are; it’s a central shift in identity.
Our newfound identity rests in what Jesus has accomplished and won, in His victory, not in any of our own. We delight in worshipping Jesus in all that we do, and we aspire to walk as He walked.
While we will never be perfect on this earth we still share that foundational unity with other believers that is only found in Christ. When you gather with your brothers and sisters, dwell upon the things of life with them, and reflect upon how God’s truth and reality can be witnessed everyday. These times of fellowship are sweet and encouraging, so much so, that it is very easy to understand how Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy had become so “affectionately desirous” of the Thessalonians.
Our Christian brothers and sisters should also become “very dear to us”. This week, make time for prayer and fellowship with other Christians, you will savor and grow from these times together.
When I read this it blessed me, I thought about all the precious brothers and sisters in Christ that have impacted my life and it is a joy to be in there lives. Don’t allow the enemy to sew seeds of bitterness, hate and or jealousy towards your brothers or sisters in Christ. It is a gift from God that shouldn’t be taken lightly and the enemy would love nothing more than to sew division. When you see them struggling, prop them up on there leaning side. Be to your brothers and sisters in Christ as Aaron and Hur were to Moses, what genuine love.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Ephesians 4