Spirit-Led Control

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1) 
It’s true that when we get caught up in life, it’s easy to mimic the often selfish and corrupt behaviors of the world around us. But when we genuinely seek to know God and what His Word says about our lives, then over time—even during difficult times—the Holy Spirit changes our thoughts and attitudes to be more like Christ (Ephesians 4:21–23). 
When the Spirit leads us, our desires become the opposite of the temptations of the world. What once felt like sacrifice becomes a grateful act of self-control. It becomes easier to ignore our selfish wants, lustful desires, and everyday burdens for Christ to bear on our behalf, allowing us to focus on the things in our life that are pleasing to God, leading to a life of purpose (Galatians 5:16–26). 
Is this always easy for Christians? No. Do believers and followers of Christ still allow themselves to succumb to the pressures of this world? Yes, far too often. But if we continue to keep the door open for God by intentionally pursuing and applying his Word to our lives, then when we do stumble and fall, we’re not likely to fall as far, and it’s much easier to find our way back onto the path He has laid out for us. 
Have you sought to sacrifice every aspect of your life to God? If not, what do you need to give up today to grow closer to Him? 
I pray today’s devotion inspires you to take a look at your life and ask yourself this very question, what do I need to give up to grow closer to God? Take comfort in the fact that God’s plan is always bigger and better than your own. 
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord! 
Today’s Reading is Ecclesiastes 4:9-10