Jul '21

The Answer is Prayer
Jul '21

And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed. (Luke 5:16)
Jesus knew the importance of prayer. Over and over again, Scripture points to the fact that Jesus would “withdraw and pray…”
Tim Keller recently said that “prayerlessness is a sin…” Prayerlessness “comes from a self-sufficiency that is wrong and dishonors God. Prayerlessness is also a sin against our neighbor. We should be engaging the heart of God and the power of God in our neighbor’s need.”
It is any wonder then that Jesus withdrew to pray.
Throughout His ministry, Jesus is trusting the power of God to keep Him, and help us.
Jesus trusts this power because He is always resting in and calling upon the power of God. Even He (Jesus), “who being in very nature God (Phil 2:6),” prayed to God. Prayer was essential to Jesus!
Perhaps today, your foundation is cracking. Your bedrock is eroding. You’ve lost your way. The answer is not “lacing up and trying harder.” The answer is not another bible study or more biblical knowledge.
The answer is prayer.
Confess your need of God today. Make withdrawing and praying to God a part of your daily routine. If Jesus needed to, so do you.
Your prayer today, “Lord, I want with all my heart for you to give me a heart for prayer. Amen.”
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!