What Do You Boast In?

Intelligence, money and strength are three attributes that we love to measure in ourselves and others. Our intelligence can be measured by how hard one studied and the grades one received. We form an instant opinion when we hear certain colleges were attended with the credentials that were earned. Money tends to reflect our success. If someone is wealthy and manages their money well, we give credence as well as our respect. And strength is the last characteristic that helps us to form an opinion about someone. Are they athletic? Do they have high energy to get important things done? Do they have a disciplined body to maintain stressful positions and self control? These three things we assume we can boast about. These three things others boast about for someone else.
God does not value our intelligence, wealth or strength. God values a person who trusts and boasts in Him. All three of those characteristics are gifts–God given gifts. In light of eternity, they mean nothing and each one could be taken away in an instant through illness alone. It is great that we have good doctors to attend to us, but God is the Author and Sustainer of life. I would rather boast in the name of the Lord my God than to put my trust in any person, despite their credentials. Turn to the Lord and seek His face. Know that you serve a God who gives gifts to men and the greatest gift given was Jesus. Do we really trust in Jesus each day? And do we boast in His name?
Lord, let me not boast in my wisdom, nor in my strength, nor in my riches. I want to boast in knowing You, believing in You and understanding Your ways. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
As I read today’s devotion I wanted to know what the meaning of boasting was so I looked it up and it says, an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction. At first I thought boasting was a bad thing but if we direct who and what it is we are boasting about, my goodness, what pride and self satisfaction we have in God when we boast about Him and His son and how He went to the cross for our sins that we might live with Him for eternity. What an incredible God we serve and we should proudly boast in The Name of The Lord our God, rather than put our trust in any one person. Any time I talk about God and His greatness in my life I feel satisfied and everything else I’m going through seems to fade. My trust is in The One who made heaven and earth, who sent His son to die for me, that I may live with Him forever, He gives me a peace that passes all understanding, knowing in whom I have believed. He’s who I want to boast about and place my trust in every single day. I take pride in knowing Him! He is greater than I.
Have a beautiful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Colossians 3:16