Dec '19

Where to Run If You’re Overwhelmed
Dec '19

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (Psalm 61:2)
You skip breakfast. You’re late for work. You forgot to pack little Joey’s lunch. Your laundry basket is a Mt. Everest of dirty clothes. Your loved one is in the hospital. You can’t seem to get to the store to buy groceries. You still haven’t returned that growing list of phone calls and text messages.
Your mother needs you, your friend needs you, your spouse needs you, your kids need you, your boss needs you … you need to be cloned or counseled or consoled or caught up in the air to meet the Lord!
“Rapture me Lord!”
You feel stressed. Guilty. Inadequate. Overwhelmed!
Overwhelmed. We feel it for all sorts of reasons, and I don’t know about you, but when I feel overwhelmed I want to run away! I want to run from what feels too big and unfixable! I want to run to my closet with some Dove dark chocolate and hide!
Thankfully, God wants us to run when we’re feeling overwhelmed. But instead of running away from what overwhelms us (and turning to dark chocolate), He wants us to run to Him. To run to His Word which settles us and shelters us.
Sometimes we can’t change all the stuff in our lives that feels bigger than we can handle. But, whatever feels bigger than you is still puny compared to the Rock that is higher than you!
When I feel flat-out overwhelmed and under-qualified and out-of-sorts, I’m learning not to run away from my stress. I am also learning not to run to a bag of chocolate!
Instead, I’m learning to run to God — to His Word — in the overwhelming middle of my stress!
When I run to God’s Word, even just one verse, I find that God is my “refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NIV). When I run to Him, I find that my refuge isn’t an escape from my stress. God is my refuge. I’m reminded once again that my strength doesn’t come from me and my stamina or drive. My strength comes from the Lord.
He is the rock that is higher than I am. When I run to His Word, I discover that His law is “my delight” and it protects me and keeps me from totally freaking out or giving up or falling apart. (Psalm 119:92) He really is the Rock that is stronger and higher than anything you and I face.
If you feel the need to run away, lace up your cutest running shoes, and go for it! Run into the strong arms of Jesus. He is Your strength. He is your Rock. He is your refuge.
And, when you find yourself sheltered in the truth of His Word and in the sanctuary of His presence, all the stress that overwhelmed you and felt bigger than you suddenly shrinks down to the pebble size it really is!
God’s Word gives you the perspective you need. God’s presence gives you the peace you need, so run away sister … run to the Rock who’s waiting to shelter and settle you.
Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I read this devotion it hit so close to home for me in more ways than one. It brought tears to my eyes. For those who read and follow the churches devotions you know I haven’t been as consistent over the past couple of weeks and for that I am sorry. I have felt “overwhelmed” for a while now and I’ve had to take a step back and reevaluate my why in so many areas of my life. So often I fear we can get in a spiritual rut to the point when we stop and ask ourselves why, we can’t answer it with complete honesty and the enemies whispers of lies are becoming louder and louder in your mind. Weather it be from fear of what others might think or struggling to see beyond what is and what you feel always will be. Your why shouldn’t be, just because. You should have passion and love for whatever it is your doing but so often we can be like a hamster on a wheel, just constantly running on the wheel not stopping to look around and ask ourselves, ask God, why am I doing this, is it because you have called me to do this. If you are feeling stressed, guilty, inadequate, overwhelmed, I am here to encourage you today. Take this scripture and place it on your bathroom mirror as a daily reminder that He is your rock, He is much higher than you, than anything you are facing, allow Him to be your everything. Allow Him to show you your why. When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I, (Psalm 61:2). I pray you are just as blessed by this devotion today as I was and that it speaks to you in some way, in some area of your life.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Matthew 2:6