Sep '18

Winning the Battle
Sep '18

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
Did you know that there is an ongoing battle for your mind? Many of us realize that there is a battle taking place in our minds, but the real battle is for control of our minds. This may sound a little like science fiction and weird but that is just what our enemy wants us to think. We are in a spiritual battle every day for control of our thoughts. For some of us, the intensity of conflicting thoughts can torment us for hours. For others of us, we have learned such mind control that we do whatever it takes to press down those thoughts. Regardless of how we handle them, they are still there.
The only effective weapons that we can use are the ones given to us by God. The weapons of the flesh, such as mental imagery or positive thinking will not bring us the victory that God has for us. Many people use such tools and claim dramatic results, but the deceptions are dangerous. Why? Because the focus and the power are placed completely on us, not on the Lord. The more power we think we have in ourselves, the more power Satan has over us. Scary thought? Let’s go for the real power and learn to bring our thoughts before Christ.
Are you in a battle today over things in your mind? There are two things you must incorporate into your daily routine. First, open your Bible and read at least one verse in the morning. Use a devotional or a Psalm or Proverb, whatever works for you. Second, take what you have read and ask the Lord to put His words into your mind throughout the day. If you will do this every day, in time you will begin to remember God’s words and will think about them because His Spirit will bring them to your thoughts. For those things that you are struggling with in your mind, start talking to the Lord about them. Pray that His words will bring comfort and hope instead of torment and guilt. Let the Lord fight for you by letting Him have the control over your mind instead of trying to handle it yourself.
When I read this devotion an old hymn came to mind, turn your eyes upon Jesus. It goes on but ultimately, no matter what we are roaring with in our minds, we must turn it over to Him, turn our eyes upon Jesus. Just as today’s devotion says, open the Bible and read at least one scripture a day and watch the transformation happen in your mind. You will be blown away at the peace that will be found. Bring your thoughts before Christ today. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength (Isaiah 40:29). As one of the devotions said last week, God has a way of balancing things in our lives. Trust Him.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Isaiah 40:29