Jan '22
Are You in Need of Joy today?
Jan '22
Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
No matter what season you are in, you can still have joy!
The joy we receive from the Lord transcends circumstances.
Regardless of what is happening in the world or around us in our personal lives, the supernatural joy of the Lord can still be found.
You don’t have to wait around while being a slave to life’s circumstances in order to have joy in your heart.
You don’t have to depend only on what you see in the natural.
As a child of the most high God, you have been sanctioned to rise above all circumstances of life!
Knowing how good He is through your personal relationship with Him and knowing how much He cares for you also gives you joy.
His incredible love alone, who He is and what He has promised you are all reasons to rejoice in every season!
Are you in need of joy today?
Know that the Lord longs for you to receive it, for He has already paid the price for you to have it!
As His beloved child, His joy that is your strength is your birthright! Don’t let the enemy rob you of what rightly belongs to you!
Today, take a moment to whisper to yourself, “Lord, you are my joy.”
“Lord, thank you that I can rejoice in every season of life, no matter what! Help me to remember your goodness, grace and incredible love. Thank you for helping me to access the heavenly joy you’ve already given me!”
When I read this devotion I was blessed by it. As it says, take a moment today and whisper to yourself, or shout it for the world to hear, it’s your choice, “Lord, You are my joy.”
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!