Give Him Praise

Solomon began by highlighting God’s holiness and faithfulness. Then he gave God credit for the success of the project and emphasized God’s greatness, declaring, “The heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built!” (2 Chron. 6:18).
After exalting God, Solomon asked Him to pay special attention to everything that happened inside the temple. He asked God to show mercy to the Israelites and to provide for them when they confessed their sin.
Immediately after Solomon’s prayer, “fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house” (7:1). This incredible response reminds us that the mighty One we praise and speak to when we pray is the same One who listens to and cares about our requests. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
When I read this it reminded me that so often we seek God in prayer for what we need when it’s so important to take time to spend in prayer giving Him praise and thanksgiving for every thing in our lives. Let’s take time today and just give Him the praise and honor He deserves and put our requests off to the side for a day, He already knows what we have need of before we even ask so let’s prioritize God today and have a conversation with Him today about how mighty He is and how grateful we are. When we do that we will find that everything else, our needs, our wants, will all fall into place and we will find a peace so so sweet. He deserves our praise. Let’s draw closer to Him as we pray. He is worthy of our praise!! Amen!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is 2 Chronicles 6:12-21