The Holy Spirit

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. (Matthew 3:16)
Have you ever sat and watched a flock of birds? Most species of birds are very sensitive and will take flight at even the slightest disturbances.
In particular, doves are extremely sensitive.
In scripture, the dove is a symbol of meekness and purity.
The lamb is also described as meek, and was often used for burnt sacrificial offerings.
In this passage, Jesus is the lamb of God with the dove of the Holy Spirit coming to rest upon Him.
Why did the dove choose to rest on Jesus? Because of His meekness, purity and humble nature. Doves only choose to land in places where there are no disturbances. 
If we want the Holy Spirit to rest on us, we have to adopt the nature of the Lamb, which is the nature of Jesus.
Since the Holy Spirit lives inside us, every word, action, attitude and movement of our hearts affects Him. 
How we act and whatever nature we choose to adopt will either please or grieve the Holy Spirit.
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will never leave us even when we mess up. However, the more we become transformed from the inside out and become more like Jesus, the more the Holy Spirit is able to operate in our lives in a tangible way.
Today, how can you be mindful of the dove of the Holy Spirit living within you?
When I read this devotion it blessed me. It was a needed reminder that The Holy Spirit never leaves you and I, ever. I was reminded of this quote, “The Holy Spirit accompanies God’s Word to bring revelation of Christ, resulting in transformation. Amen and Hallelujah! Be transformed daily by The Holy Spirit.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!

God Makes Things Right

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) 
Have you ever wished you could take back something you just said? Or, have you ever thought “If only I had known then what I know now, I would have done things differently?” More than once in my life, I have wished I could go back and do something over to make it right. Even with our best intentions and motives, there are times when our words come out the wrong way and we find ourselves feeling badly. We usually know it immediately. I have learned from my own experiences that the Holy Spirit will convict and impress upon me that I should have handled a situation differently. One of the Greek definitions of the word “conviction” means to bring to light, to cause shame, or to show one’s fault. One of the Holy Spirit’s jobs is to convict us when we say or do things outside of God’s will. This includes speaking when we should have been listening or speaking from our own wisdom instead of the Lord’s. 
When I find myself in a situation where I feel badly about what I have just said or done, I start praying. I begin by confessing my sin and asking for forgiveness. The Lord promises that He will forgive us our sins if we confess them (1 John 1:9). Repentance is definitely the next step because we need to acknowledge that we do not want to continue sinning against Him or others in this way.  Next, we have a responsibility not only to pray for ourselves but also to pray for the person(s) involved because our sins do affect others. And that is one of the reasons I love Romans 8:28. I pray this verse to the Lord when I know I have made a mess of something. I start asking the Lord to work it together for good despite what I have done or said. 
I can honestly say that the Lord has always been faithful to these prayers. You see, we are going to say and do things that we wish we could take back. We are going to hurt others, even when our intentions are good. We will fail and fall short; we need a Savior. We are sinners saved by grace. So today, put the responsibility back on our Savior and Lord. Ask the Lord to work “all things” together for good and apply this verse to those times when you know you have just made a mistake. Ask forgiveness, and then start praying for God to make it right. Only He can make things right. God’s love, mercy and grace cover us every moment of our lives and He gives us His Word to help guide us. Memorize this verse today and ask the Lord to bring it to your mind in times of trouble. 
When I read this I felt it applied to every single one of us at one time or another. But God! He is incredible, He is forgiving and He can take what the enemy meant for evil and make it good. So today, no matter what you may have said or done, listen to the Holy Spirit’s conviction, go to God, seek His face and pray. Only God can mend brokenness but you have to be willing to allow Him to. Look to God, repent and forgive. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin . . . (2 Chronicles 7:14). God makes things right! 
Have a beautiful day in The Lord! 
Today’s Reading is Psalms 115:14-15