Follow Me

And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me. And he left all, rose up, and followed him. And Levi made him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them. (Luke 5:27-29)
A tax collector was not an honorable position during Jesus’ time. Tax collectors were known for their shrewd and fraudulent ways. This passage says that Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi. Jesus obviously got his attention as He commissioned Levi to follow Him. It is amazing that the passage says that Levi left all, rose up and followed Him. There is a sense that Levi had immediate action with little thought. He seemed to abandon all for the call of Christ. Think of what it took to go from a tax collector with a negative reputation, to a disciple of Jesus Christ. Questions come to mind such as, “How did Levi do that? Did he just quit his job, sell his house or what? Where did He follow Jesus to?” Levi’s next steps are right there in the next verse. Verse 29 says that Levi followed Jesus to “his own house.” Levi brought Jesus to his own home, so, Levi followed Jesus back home.
The first step to being Jesus’ disciple is by becoming His follower at home. Not only does Jesus meet us right where we are, but also Jesus becomes part of where we are. When we come to know Him and follow Him, Jesus leads us back to our own homes. Home is our training ground. It is in our homes that we first speak out about Jesus, so the change in our lives needs to become evident at home first.
Jesus saw Levi and Jesus sees you. Jesus called Levi and Jesus is calling you. Are you willing to answer His call? Are you following Jesus in your home? Levi gave Jesus a great feast. There was preparation and planning for this party as he made a public profession that he was following Jesus’ ways, starting immediately. For you today, it may be that you stop watching certain shows or stop saying certain words. It also will mean that you start sharing your faith with your family. Levi is an example of someone with the kind of commitment it takes to follow Jesus. Levi became one of the twelve apostles whose name was changed to Matthew. He was the man who wrote the Book of Matthew, leading many others to follow Christ just like he did.
Help us Lord to follow after you not only out in The World but in our homes. Help us to heed to the convictions you place in our lives when no one else is watching. Help us to set the example starting at home. Amen.
When I read this I felt it was vital and needed to be shouted from the roof tops! Take time today to observe what’s happening at home and ask yourself, am I willing to answer His call in my home, am I truly following Jesus in my home and what does my training ground look like?! God may not be asking you to leave behind everything you own and follow Him into a remote country but is He asking you to give up certain things, certain attitudes, certain behaviors. Is He asking you to prioritize church, prayer, tithing, reading your word more? Only you can answer those questions honestly and for everyone the questions and answers will be different but we can all be honest with ourselves and with God, He already knows and He’s right there waiting for you to come to Him and ask for His help. God deserves our very best and it starts at home!!!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Matthew 16:24-26