Jul '19

True Freedom
Jul '19

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2)
When you think about July 4th, what comes to mind?
Perhaps you think about a day off from work with picnics, fireworks, and those red, white, and blue flags displayed in front yards along your neighborhood.
This is all good, but the one word that comes to my mind is freedom.
It is a fact that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions freely and can vote for the people of our choice. These are very good reasons why we should never take our freedom for granted.
Each year, I notice that some people really go all out decorating for every holiday. For the 4th of July, I display my flag in the yard for the entire month. The flag means a lot to me because of those in my family who have been in wars. I have also had friends who served our country, and I have known some who did not come home in the past and present war.
My father served in World War II. My mother was a Red Cross volunteer during that war. My niece and her husband served in Desert Storm. I also have had loved ones in the Vietnam War and a friend now in Afghanistan.
Because of their contributions in keeping us all free, I proudly display the flag.
Have you thought about the American flag and all that it stands for? This emblem of the greatest nation on earth is placed on graves of our honored dead who fought for us to remain a free nation, and it flies high during times of peace, as well as war. “Old Glory” is its name.
There is another real freedom we can have. We can display it every day of the year, and that is our freedom “In Christ” to live a life to glorify Him, so that His banner of love, truth, and peace can be seen by all.
It is a flag flown high in the castle of my heart (taken from a song). We can be free in our spirit to serve the Creator of the whole universe and that my friends, is True Freedom.
When I read this devotion I felt it was fitting for such a day as this. As we celebrate our freedom today, may we remember what today’s devotion says, there is another real freedom, our freedom in Christ, to live a life to glorify Him, so that His banner of love, truth, and peace can be seen by all. Amen to that!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 33:12