You Were Not Built To Break!

In today’s scripture, we see that Jesus fixed His eyes unto God because He knew what was ahead of Him. (The end glory at hand). He suffered all the humiliations. At the end where was He seated? At the right hand of the throne of God.
How marvelous is it to know that our sufferings are just for a moment. (Roms 8;18) We have many illustrations in the Bible of people who endured their sufferings and their end was glorious. There are the likes of Joseph who was rejected by his brothers because of his vision, and Daniel who was put in the lion’s den because he refused to comply to the king’s rule and instead trusted in the Lord. Also, Abraham and Sarah suffered the pain of barrenness, but in their old age God fulfilled His promise unto Abraham.(Gen 15:5)
Beloved God did not create us to break. It might look as though time is passing by while friends are accomplishing what they want, and we are left behind, feeling rejected and dejected by loved ones. However, God said that He will not leave us nor forsake us. We should trust in God’s timing. Believe in His word, His will concerning your life and also trust in His timing. His timing is indeed flawless.
Lord may I also have in mind that your plans are the best for me and you will sustain me. Help me have that mindset that no matter what, you are always with me. I bless your Holy name. Amen.
As I read this today I was so uplifted, I have had moments of discouragement this week and feeling overwhelmed at times but I have been reminded today, I was not created to break but to be strong in The Lord and in The Power of His might. It’s not what I can do but what He can do through me. His timing is absolutely flawless. He will sustain you. He is faithful. Trust Him!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Hebrews 12